ZofateTV Presents:
"For Our Brothers and Sisters in Manipur and Kalaymyo"
Sung Sung
How It Works
Convenient Booking
Making the process of reserving tickets or slots for the Kimkima Live Performance as easy and user-friendly as possible for attendees.
Instant Accessing
Rapidly and efficiently evaluating various aspects of the Kimkima Live Performance to gather feedback or data.
Fast Connecting
Creating an environment that facilitates quick and efficient networking and interaction among attendees.
Why Choose Us
Multiple Events
Handling and coordinating several events concurrently also ensuring each one receives the attention and resources it needs.
Location Management
Efficiently overseeing and coordinating the various aspects related to the event's chosen location.
Event Management
Encompassing the comprehensive process of planning, organizing, and executing events on behalf of clients.
Free Registering Management
Efficiently handling attendee registrations for events where or whenever admission is free.
Credit Card Payment
Setting up a secure payment processing system to accept credit card payments from clients, attendees, or sponsors.
Easy To Use
Providing event planning tools or platforms that are both cost-free and user-friendly for clients.
Contact Us
- (301) 532-2768
- 6101 Old Dobbin Ln, Columbia, MD 21045
- Zofatecharity@gmail.com